Picking up where I left off... My mom was in deteriorating condition and my sister was pregnant with her first kid.
I was at the state fair with my family - my wife, daughter, and mother-in-law. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were sitting in the food area eating an early lunch. I was thoroughly enjoying a huge cinnamon roll. It was one of the first treats I let myself have over the past six months (I was on a diet and losing a ton of weight). I remember getting the phone call from my mom. She said my dad was driving her down to the emergency room in the next town (the hospital in town would amputate an arm if there was a sliver in your pinkie).
She said she couldn't swallow anymore and was completely miserable. For my mom to get to the point that she was miserable enough to go to the hospital, it really must have been bad... I asked her if she wanted me to come over and she assured me she would be fine.
A couple hours later, I got a call from my dad. He said my mom was in for surgery. They were putting a scope down her throat and were going to try to stretch it out. We still don't 100% know what was going on, but I believe it was scar tissue from her radiation treatments that was growing and constricting her throat.
The doctor said that her throat had closed so small he was surprised she could even swallow a drop of water. I was able to talk to my mom later that day after she was done with her procedure. She was pretty out of it and couldn't talk very well, but said she felt much better and was excited to get some food in her. She was sitting in the car while my dad was in a grocery store getting some food for dinner for her.
As the days went by, my mom said she was doing much better, but she was very weak. She couldn't really talk on the phone much and assured me she was fine. I believed her.
I talked to my dad a couple days later and he said that mom couldn't get out of bed. He had to lift her out of bed several times to get up in the morning and she even resorted to just sleeping out in the chair in the family room.
I remember my dad calling me one Saturday morning while I was sitting in my family room playing video games. He said he was scared and didn't know what to do. It seemed that the anesthesia was still in her body and she wasn't gaining any of her energy back. He said that he couldn't get her lifted out of bed in time to make it to the restroom. It was the first time in my life I heard my dad break down and cry. We had talked several times over the past couple of years where he said he was scared and didn't know what to do, but this time was different. It seemed that this was real.
A few days went by and my dad was getting more and more scared. My usual routine was to call my parents on my way to work every morning. I would usually talk to my dad for a few minutes and then finish up with my mom. For the first time ever, my dad said that mom wasn't able to talk on the phone because her throat hurt and she was too weak. Everything was really starting to sink in with me now. This time really was different.
Now, I'm sure I'm leaving something out here because the next few weeks were a complete blur. My sister had been diagnosed with gestational diabetes a couple months prior and her baby was bigger than it should be. Because of this, she was scheduled for induced labor early to ensure her baby wasn't too big. It was September 4th.
My dad asked me if I could come up to his house before I met my sister in the hospital because he needed help getting my mom into the car. I knew I needed to do it, but was still in a little bit of denial, I think. As I started my drive, I remember brining a notebook with me. I decided that I needed to step up and be my moms advocate with her doctor now and start being very aggressive in her care. Between my sister having her baby and starting to help with my moms medical care, I knew I had a very tough time ahead of me.
As I left town, I remember getting stuck in traffic. I heard my dads disappointment in his voice when I said I wouldn't be able to make it in time to help him out. He said he understood and that he would just have to allow himself some extra time for loading my mom up into the car. At this point, he was able to borrow a wheelchair from one of his friends, so he had that on his side at least.
When I got to the hospital, I went up to see my sister. She was admitted the night before and wasn't having much progress. They gave her some medication, but her labor hadn't started yet. Because of everything going on with her, I couldn't tell her the shape mom was in. I didn't want to take away from her glory.
I got a call from my dad that they were pulling up to the hospital and that he needed me to meet him up front to pick my mom up with a hospital wheelchair. When he pulled up, I could tell that my mom wasn't quite as bad as I thought she would be... what a relief. She wasn't great, but wasn't good either.
My parents were fortunate enough to have a friend that had a time-share and let them stay in it that night, so at least they didn't have to drive for a couple of hours each way. That was the last thing she needed right now. After visiting in the hospital for a couple hours, we decided that we should go check into the time share for my parents. By this time, my wife and daughter had shown up to meet me, so we went and got a hotel room as well. We knew we were in for a long night.
At about 10:00pm, I got a call from my brother-in-law. He said that my sister was going to start pushing soon and that we should come down to the hospital. I was there in no time and my parents were there a few minutes later.
We waited out in the waiting room for about an hour before my brother-in-law came out and broke down crying, "It's a girl!" We were all in tears and ecstatic! I completely relived the moment I came out five years earlier saying the same thing to my parents! What a kick in the pants!
We had to hang out about 30 minutes or so until we could go back and see the new baby. I took my mom back in her wheelchair to meet her new granddaughter and my new niece. She was beautiful! It was probably the strongest I had seen my mom over the past several months. While she didn't get out of the wheelchair, she was able to hold her new granddaughter for a couple of minutes. For those few minutes, I think all of our worries were gone.
This is another moment that everything blurred together. I remember I had only been home for a couple of days from the hospital when my my mom back into the doctor or if I went home and got her back into the doctor a couple of days later... Either way - we got my mom in to get another CT Scan. Because her throat was getting tighter again and her appetite wasn't getting any better, I was really fighting for her at this point.
A couple days later, I got a call at work from the wife of parents lifelong friends. I grew up with these people and thought of them as my second set of parents. When I got the call, she told me that I needed to step up to the plate now and that my family really needed me. She prepared me to know that my mom was in very bad shape and that it wouldn't be easy to see her in the condition that she was in.
I remember I was able to take a couple of days off of work and drive over to help out my dad. I really went hard to work and did a lot. I made many doctors calls, ran errands, did grocery shopping, fed my mom milkshakes, talked to her, and did just about everything I thought I could do to help the situation. I remember my mom was on an appetite enhancing medication, but her appetite was still not there. I was able to talk the doctor into prescribing her the medication, "Merniol." This is the pharmaceutical equivalent to THC (Marijuana). We were all desperate and were pulling out all of the stops.
I think it was September 7th that my dad said my mom was in very bad shape and that he really needed help. I jumped in the car from work and started my drive over. I called my moms doctor and said that we were meeting at the office with my mom and that I was insisting that she get admitted to a hospital. She needed IV fluids and some desperate medical attention. I then asked the doctors assistant if she had gotten the results back yet from the CT scan from a couple of days prior. I'll never forget the answer. She was extremely nice and comforting, but at the same time, it was the 2nd worst phone call of my life (the first worst was the next one I would make). She told me that the cancer had spread and that her prognosis was terminal. There was nothing else they could do for her, treatment wise. She said that what we needed to do now as to make her comfortable as possible.
I remember talking to her and feeling so much pain, but relief at the same time. I hate to say it, but I was actually relieved that my mom wouldn't have to go through all of the torture she had gone through over the past three years. There is NO way I could picture myself being ever as strong as she was.
The next call was the worst call I have ever had to make. I called my dad and broke the news to him. It was surreal. I remember telling him that the cancer had spread and that we needed to focus on keeping her out of pain. He cried and I cried. I could tell that he was in another room and didn't want to let my mom know, who was probably sleeping. I told him that he needed to get her loaded into the car and meet me at her oncologists office. At the end of the call, I remember telling my dad that I loved him - it was the first time I ever remember saying it in my adult life.
A couple hours later, we met at the oncologist and my mom really looked bad. She couldn't even support the weight of her own head. She also had her hat off because she didn't like the way her wig felt on her. It was the first time ever that I had seen her bald. I've seen her with very short hair, but never bald. She had always sworn to me that she wouldn't let me see her bald. For her to be at this point, I knew it was really bad.
When we were seen by the oncologist, she said that she didn't realize how bad she was. There was some red tape in getting her admitted to the hospital, but in the long run, she was admitted very quickly.
Once we were in the hospital, I could see my mom's spirits rising. I helped with her admission. My dad and sister were there to help, but it was me with the knowledge and ability to quickly answer questions to get her into a room.
After what seemed like hours of health questions, etc., she was finally settled in to her room. Next on tap were blood work and IV fluids. Because of all the chemotherapy she had been through over the past several years, it proved to be a bit of a chore to get a vein that would work. After a little work by the hospital's best phlebotomist, she was giving blood and getting fluids. Even though she was miserable and very weak, I could see her energy almost immediately coming back.
Little side story... During this whole time, I was 2 1/2 hours from my family - my wife and daughter. My daughter had literally just started kindergarten and my wife had a job. My wife is a registered nurse... I understood that she had to work and my daughter had to be in school, but I was really missing both of them A LOT at this point... My relationship with my parents was always a little odd. I love them both, but I was never affectionate for some reason with them. The complete opposite is true for my relationship with my wife and daughter. Because of this, I was really in my own little world at this point in time - having to deal with all of the emotions that seemed near impossible to deal with at the time.
Ok - back to the rest of my story...
My mom's first night in the hospital was good. My dad and I were both relieved and glad that she could finally get the help that she needed and what my dad could not do for her at home. We both knew deep down inside that she was bad, but were both just glad to have gotten her into some good care.
I drove home with my dad that night. He wanted to go home - 2 hours away - to sleep in his own bed. I understood and went home with him. We had a good talk about how glad we were to get mom into a hospital and that my dad really did everything he could. It was a good drive. When we got to the house, my dad fed me dinner. He had made Chicken and Dumplings a couple days prior - just the comfort food we were both looking for at the time!
The next morning, we woke up at the crack of dawn and drove back down to the hospital. We walked in and said good morning to my mom. We had just missed her oncologist, who had just made his rounds. My mom seemed a little delirious and said we just missed the doctor and how nice of a guy he was. I was able to hunt him down and let him know that we were there. He called us into a private room. This was actually one of the most relieving and worst conversations I have ever had in my life.
It was in this room that the doctor told us that my moms condition was terminal and that all they could do now was treat her symptoms to make her comfortable. He recommended several options. One of which was to get a referral to hospice. Both my dad and I sobbed while he was telling us the news. It was another surreal moment that I never will forget.
After the conversation, we walked back in to see my mom. She was sleeping in her bed, but we sat besides her anyway. I just wanted to get as much time with her as I could. The next few things kind of blurred together as well... I called my sister to tell her to come down to the hospital... she had her two week old daughter, so it wasn't easy to get her down. I remember waiting for what seemed like hours before she got to the hospital, but I told her the news and that we needed to meet with the hospice nurse.
When we met with the hospice nurse, I remember this being another one of those memories that just kind of stuck with me... As I am writing this, it has been seven months, and bits and pieces keep coming back to me. I think my mind blocked out the most painful things so I could just go into survival mode. Anyway - back on track. In the room were my dad, my sister, brother-in-law, and my new niece.
The conversation was very hard to hear. The nurse was very up front with us and didn't candy coat anything. She gave us all of the stages of death and dying so we could understand what to expect over the next several weeks, months, or whatever it would take. We all cried, but had one piece of salvation in the room that seemed to kind of make things a little better - the new baby. I tell you - if weren't for my new little niece, I know I wouldn't have dealt as well, but I know for sure my sister wouldn't have nearly fared as well as she was.
After our meeting, we all went back to my moms room and talked to her in between naps. She really seemed to be doing very well. She had a good attitude - she was a little out of it, but had a good attitude, nonetheless. We spent the rest of the day between visiting my mom and my sister. My dad and I went to lunch at a local brewery, which was a good escape for us. At the end of the day, we left the hospital. I told my mom that I loved her. For some reason, my "tough guy" attitude had always prohibited me from saying that to her. I don't know where it came from, but I do know that I had always been ashamed of it. Once I spoke it, I felt a huge weight off of my shoulders.
At the end of the day, my dad and I went to my sisters house to have dinner. We drove down to a "roach coach" to pick up a burrito for dinner and ate it back at my sisters house. We were all starving and were all just a little "numb." My dad drove us home that night and we had another good talk. We woke up again the next morning to drive back down to see my mom in the hospital.
When we walked in to see my mom, she as laying there wide awake. We had just missed the doctor again, but she told us about the visit. As we sat there, she looked at me and my dad and said, "Doesn't look too good, does it?" I couldn't contain myself -I broke down crying as my mom did what she had always done best - she consoled me and my dad and said that we will all do just fine. She had always been the rock that just seemed to hold us together and spoke some very inspiring words that seemed to make everything just seem better.
The words she spoke have left me, but I remember getting a warm feeling around me when she spoke. It was the most comprehendable thing she had said in weeks. All I remember is that it made me feel better and that everything would be alright. I remember telling her that I just wanted her to be comfortable and that I would do anything I could.
The rest of the day, we met with hospice again and tried to get a game plan together. We needed to talk to my mom to find out what she wanted to do. Did she want to stay in the hospital or did she want to go home? We had the option of a facility next door for terminal people who couldn't survive a trip home. To me, that sounded the best. It took the burden off of us and left it in the hands of the hospital employees. I knew in the back of my head though, that my mom wanted to go home...
This rest was a very bittersweet day. I wanted to spend as much time with my mom as I could, but at the same time, in needed to take a break. I couldn't bear all of the responsibility myself. I needed to go back to my family and spend time with my wife and daughter.
After most of the day of spending time, I decided it was time to say goodbye and go home. Again, I kissed my mom and told her I loved her and left. It was a very numb ride home. My wife had arranged to have dinner at a family friend's house. I really just wanted to see my own family and not spend time with anybody else, but I also thought it would be a good distraction to take my mind off of things.
I spent the next several days at home with my family. I had also taken several days off from work over the past week or two and I desperately needed to go back to work to get some things taken care of.
OK - that's enough for now. I'll pick up later on this to give myself some time to rest and reflect.
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